Trump warns Mexico, others to stop migrants | WORLD
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Trump warns Mexico, others to stop migrants

A Red Cross worker speaks with migrants in Ceuta, Spain Associated Press/Photo by Jose Antonio Sempere

Trump warns Mexico, others to stop migrants

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump threatened Thursday to send troops to the southern U.S. border if Mexico did not halt 4,000 Honduran migrants headed its way. The caravan of migrants set out Saturday, its numbers snowballing as many joined to flee poverty and gang violence. The group originated in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world in terms of homicide rates. Most of the travelers, lacking passports, want to apply for refugee status in the United States.

Trump warned Tuesday the United States would cut aid to Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador if their governments allowed the migrants to travel through their countries illegally. Since 2014, the United States has designated $2.6 billion in aid for the three countries. Mexico sent an additional 500 police to its border with Guatemala, where the caravan is currently headed, NBC News reported. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo flew to Mexico on Thursday to discuss how the United States and Mexico can work together on stopping the caravan, as well as other issues.

Just weeks ahead of midterm elections, the president placed the blame for the border issue on Democrats for blocking legislation and called immigration a “Great Midterm issue for Republicans!”

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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