Trump takes legal action in Wisconsin, Michigan | WORLD
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Trump takes legal action in Wisconsin, Michigan

Poll workers process early and absentee ballots in Kenosha, Wis., on Tuesday. Associated Press/Photo by Wong Maye-E

Trump takes legal action in Wisconsin, Michigan

Major news outlets pronounced Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden the winner in Wisconsin and Michigan on Wednesday. But his margin of victory remained razor-thin, and President Donald Trump’s campaign challenged the results in both states plus Pennsylvania.

How is the court battle shaping up? The Trump campaign demanded a recount in Wisconsin. In Michigan and Pennsylvania, his team called for a halt to counting until campaign observers could have better access to review ballots. A crowd gathered outside one Detroit tabulation site on Wednesday afternoon and chanted, “Stop that count!” In Phoenix, protesters gathered outside the Maricopa County election center chanting, “Stop the steal!” Trump also is seeking to join a Pennsylvania case at the Supreme Court that deals with whether ballots received up to three days after the election will be counted, deputy campaign manager Justin Clark said. In New York, Seattle, and at least five other cities, thousands of people crowded the streets demanding officials “count every vote.” If Biden’s lead held up in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona—which was called for Biden on Tuesday night but has seen reports of irregularities—he could be just six electoral college votes shy of the 270 needed to win the presidency. Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania had yet to announce their results early on Thursday.

Dig deeper: See up-to-the-minute results at WORLD’s Election Center.

Editor’s note: WORLD has updated this report since its initial posting.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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