Trump speaks to Davos world leaders, touts U.S. changes | WORLD
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Trump speaks to Davos world leaders, touts U.S. changes

President Donald Trump speaking to leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland via videoconference. Associated Press / Photo by Markus Schreiber

Trump speaks to Davos world leaders, touts U.S. changes

President Donald Trump told international leaders at the World Economic Forum in a video message that his administration was fixing major issues for doing business in the United States. He criticized former President Joe Biden’s leadership and expressed disdain for past green energy policies. He will make America an industrial and technological giant, he claimed. He urged international businesses to begin manufacturing their products in the United States, adding that many businesses and foreign governments were already increasing investments in the United States.

What were some of Trump’s other talking points?

  • Trump urged the Middle East’s Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, to drop the price of oil. He said that doing so would help end the war in Russia and Ukraine.

  • It was time to end the Russia-Ukraine war—a war that should never have started, he said. He expressed a willingness to meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

  • The president criticized EU regulations and taxes on U.S. projects. He also disapproved of the European Union’s efforts to crack down on Meta and other American technology companies.

  • Trump said he would reduce corporate taxes so that international businesses would begin to make their products in the United States.

  • The president urged banks—both international and domestic—to allow conservatives to hold accounts with them.

  • The United States wanted a fair relationship with China, Trump said. The relationship didn’t need to be great; It just needed to be fair, he said.

Dig deeper: Read Christina Grube’s report in The Sift about Trump’s decision to declassify the RFK, JFK, and MLKJ assassination files.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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