Trump rakes in $12 million at West Coast fundraiser days… | WORLD
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Trump rakes in $12 million at West Coast fundraiser days after conviction

Pro-Trump rally in San Francisco San Francisco Chronicle via Associated Press/Photo by Stephen Lam

Trump rakes in $12 million at West Coast fundraiser days after conviction

Former President Donald Trump received $12 million in campaign donations at a fundraising reception on Thursday, according to Republican National Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon. The donation success came less than a week after a New York jury found Trump guilty of business fraud. Venture capitalist David Sacks hosted the event at his San Francisco mansion, where top-dollar tickets were priced at $500,000 per couple.

What’s going on with the Biden campaign? President Joe Biden’s campaign said Thursday it’s working with an engagement director specifically to poach GOP support from Trump. The campaign tapped Austin Weatherford to win the support of “never Trumpers,” Republican voters who refuse to back Trump, in the upcoming election. Weatherford previously served as an aid to former GOP representative and outspoken Trump critic Adam Kinzinger.

The Biden campaign has also leaned heavily on pro-abortion sentiments with Vice President Kamala Harris’ historic visit to an abortion facility earlier this year. Biden has also doubled down efforts to make good on his promise to forgive student loans ahead of the November election. His administration approved a new billion-dollar loan forgiveness action every month for the first five months of 2024.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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