Trump promotes July Fourth military parade | WORLD
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Trump promotes July Fourth military parade

Two Bradley Fighting Vehicles near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on Tuesday Associated Press/Photo by Andrew Harnik

Trump promotes July Fourth military parade

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has a major celebration planned for Independence Day in the nation’s capital Thursday, with plans to honor each of the five military branches in what he has dubbed the “Salute to America.” The festivities will include a parade through the streets of Washington, a concert, and a fireworks display of about $750,000 in donated pyrotechnics, according to the Department of the Interior.

The event has drawn criticism from Democrats, who have accused the president of politicizing the celebration. Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., called it a “taxpayer-funded, partisan political rally that’s more about promoting a Trumpian cult of personality than the spirit of American independence and freedom.” But Trump has emphasized that the celebration is an homage to the armed forces, calling it the “show of a lifetime.” He tweeted “The Pentagon & our great Military Leaders are thrilled to be doing this & showing to the American people, among other things, the strongest and most advanced Military anywhere in the World.”

The Pentagon was trying to bring in a B-2 Spirit stealth bomber and other warplanes for the event, and a few Abrams tanks from the Army arrived in D.C. for placement on or near the National Mall.

Kyle Ziemnick

Kyle is a former WORLD Digital news reporter. He is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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