Trump, Pence return to D.C. | WORLD
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Trump, Pence return to D.C.

Mike Pence, left, and Donald Trump Associated Press/Photos by Patrick Semansky and Andrew Harnik

Trump, Pence return to D.C.

Both halves of the former White House pair delivered separate speeches in Washington on Tuesday. Trump, speaking to the America First Policy Institute, bemoaned an allegedly rigged election in 2020, and hinted that “we may just have to do it again”—a hint that he may run in 2024. He also praised countries that execute drug dealers, provide services for the homeless on the edges of cities, and beef up security at the border. Pence, speaking to Young America’s Foundation student group, advanced a “Freedom Agenda” that included protecting American culture, securing the border, and rebuilding the economy.

How do their views compare? Pence said that he and Trump don’t differ on values, but “differ on focus.” Trump emphasized the 2020 election results, while Pence said the Republican party should look to the future, not the past.

Dig deeper: Read Jamie Dean’s report from the WORLD Archives about how Pence brought a low-key but active role to the position of vice president.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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