Trump open to budget deal, positive on wall | WORLD
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Trump open to budget deal, positive on wall

Fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border in Nogales, Ariz. Associated Press/Jonathan Clark/Nogales International

Trump open to budget deal, positive on wall

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump thanked Republicans on Tuesday for working toward a compromise on border security but didn’t say for certain whether he would sign the budget proposal to avert another partial government shutdown on Friday. The House and the Senate are expected to pass the funding plan after congressional negotiators reached an agreement Monday night. The proposal includes $1.37 billion for new fencing along the southern border with Mexico—far less than the $5.7 billion the White House demanded for a wall. The House is expected to take up the measure on Wednesday or Thursday, with the Senate to follow.

Trump tweeted that the deal will be supplemented “with lots of money from other sources” to provide plenty of funding for the wall. “I want to thank all Republicans for the work you have done in dealing with the Radical Left on Border Security,” he added. “Not an easy task, but the Wall is being built and will be a great achievement and contributor toward life and safety within our Country!”

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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