Trump-backed candidate wins Alabama runoff | WORLD
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Trump-backed candidate wins Alabama runoff

Martha Roby waves to supporters Tuesday night. Associated Press/Photo by Butch Dill

Trump-backed candidate wins Alabama runoff

In a campaign that came down to loyalty to President Donald Trump, U.S. Rep. Martha Roby, R-Ala., overwhelmingly defeated pro-Trump conservative Bobby Bright on Tuesday in a GOP primary runoff election for her seat in Congress. Roby captured 67 percent of the vote, after earning only 39 percent in a five-candidate primary field in June. Since no candidate earned a majority of the vote, it forced a runoff between the four-term incumbent and second-place finisher Bright. Roby is favored to win reelection in November against Democrat Tabitha Isner.

In 2016, Roby angered some voters when she condemned Trump’s lewd remarks about women in an Access Hollywood tape revealed during the presidential campaign. Bright, a former Democrat, tried to capitalize on the controversy by claiming unwavering loyalty to Trump despite switching parties for the race. But Roby has largely supported the president’s agenda in Congress, and Trump and Vice President Mike Pence endorsed her in the runoff.

“It has been a great privilege to be a part of the conservative momentum and to work alongside my colleagues in Congress and the Trump administration,” Roby told supporters Tuesday night. “I am ready to continue the fight.”

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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