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Thousands of Christians gather in California’s capital for rally

Sean Feucht Provided by Sean Feucht,

Thousands of Christians gather in California’s capital for rally

The rally on Saturday in Sacramento was organized by the group Let Us Worship. It featured the attendance of roughly 7,000 people, according to the organization’s founder, Sean Feucht. The Sacramento Bee reported that the rally's peaceful attendees gathered and worshiped Christ, in sharp contrast with banners and signs celebrating Pride Month in the state’s capital city. The Bee reported the size of the protest at only about 2,000 people.

What is this organization, Let Us Worship? The organization holds the Apostle’s Creed as its statement of faith, according to its website. It describes itself as a group standing up to the government and showing state officials that believers won’t allow their ability to worship to be silenced or abridged. It has also criticized alleged government and tech company censorship of Christian ideals. Feucht describes the organization as a nationwide movement where Christians worship and pray for revival.

Who founded this organization? Feucht describes himself as a speaker, author, missionary, activist, and artist. He founded Let Us Worship, in addition to the organizations Burn 24-7, Light a Candle, and Hold the Line—which Feucht’s website describes as a political activist organization designed to engage millennials who haven’t voted in previous elections.

Was this a one-off rally? Part of a larger campaign? Let Us Worship has been holding other gatherings across the country this year and is scheduled to continue doing so. Since holding the rally in Sacramento on Saturday, the organization has also held a worship rally in Yakima, Wash. Later this summer, the organization will hold gatherings in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, and other states.

Dig deeper: Read Chelsea Boes’ column in WORLD Magazine on Nancy French’s book Ghosted, grappling with religion and politics.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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