Texas governor signs bill making illegal immigration a state… | WORLD
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Texas governor signs bill making illegal immigration a state offense

Gov. Greg Abbott signs three bills into law at a border wall construction site in Brownsville, Texas. The Associated Press/Photo by Valerie Gonzalez

Texas governor signs bill making illegal immigration a state offense

Gov. Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 3 and Senate Bill 4 into law on Monday, both of which affect state immigration policy. Senate Bill 3 appropriates more than $1.5 billion toward border security operations, including funds to help local governments alleviate border control costs. The money will also go toward the construction and maintenance of barriers along the border between Texas and Mexico. Senate Bill 4 makes it a state crime to cross into Texas from Mexico illegally. After an individual’s first offense, he or she would be charged with a misdemeanor. Additional offenses would result in a felony charge. The law empowers members of state law enforcement to arrest anyone who crosses the border illegally, as well as order them to leave the United States. The new laws will go into effect in March 2024.

What was Texas’ state policy toward immigration previously? Before Senate Bill 4, federal authorities alone had the power to arrest migrants for illegal immigration. Local authorities could only make arrests for trespassing charges on privately owned land with the land owner’s consent. Proponents of the new policy say that it did little to deter rising undocumented crossings. 

Dig deeper: Read Addie Offereins’ report in WORLD Magazine about how rural counties respond to migrant fatalities.

Johanna Huebscher

Johanna Huebscher is a student at Bob Jones University and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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