Tennessee House votes to expel two Democrats | WORLD
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Tennessee House votes to expel two Democrats

Former Rep. Justin Jones raises his fist on the floor of the Tennessee House chamber Associated Press/Photo by George Walker IV

Tennessee House votes to expel two Democrats

The Republican-led Tennessee House on Thursday voted to expel Democratic Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. The two, along with Rep. Gloria Johnson, led a protest on the state House floor last week, using a bullhorn to direct chanting from observers in the gallery. The House fell one vote short of expelling Rep. Johnson. A week ago Monday, a shooting at a small Christian elementary school in Nashville claimed six victims’ lives, and the protesters were calling for increased gun control.

Does this happen often? Before Jones and Pearson, the Tennessee House had only expelled two members since the Civil War. Thousands marched this week in support of the three lawmakers. Jones said if he was expelled, he would join those agitating for increased gun control. Johnson was more subdued during the protest, which may have saved her job.

Dig deeper: Read Kevin DeYoung’s column in WORLD Opinions reflecting on the fight of faith in this sad world.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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