Taxpayers get the bill for Bradley Manning's sex change | WORLD
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Taxpayers get the bill for Bradley Manning's sex change

In this undated file photo provided by the U.S. Army, Pfc. Bradley Manning poses for a photo wearing a wig and lipstick. Associated Press/U.S. Army, File

Taxpayers get the bill for Bradley Manning's sex change

Taxpayers will fund hormone therapy for Bradley Manning, 27, a transgendered U.S. Army private in prison for espionage, who now goes by “Chelsea.”

USA Today revealed the decision Thursday after uncovering a Feb. 5 memo stating Fort Leavenworth commandant Col. Erica Nelson’s view that the hormone therapy was “medically appropriate and necessary.” Manning sued the Army in 2014 for refusing to provide male-to-female hormone treatment at the Fort Leavenworth prison.

Transgender advocate Mara Kiesling applauded the Army’s decision, saying that not providing the hormones would be “cruel and unusual” punishment akin to refusing medical treatment if Manning suffered a heart attack.

Manning was convicted of selling classified military information to WikiLeaks, the website dedicated to leaking classified government documents founded by Australian anti-secrecy activist Julian Assange. Manning opposed U.S. military strategy overseas and said he hoped the release of private communications between the U.S. State Department and foreign officials would help promote democracy in the Middle East.

The prosecutor in Manning’s case said Manning “aided the enemy” and was a traitor. He was dishonorably discharged and sentenced to 35 years in prison but will be eligible for parole in eight.

Maria Baer

Maria Baer is a freelance reporter who lives in Columbus, Ohio. She contributes regularly to Christianity Today and other outlets and co-hosts the Breakpoint podcast with The Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

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