Former Taliban hostage Ryan Corbett recovering as dad praises… | WORLD
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Former Taliban hostage Ryan Corbett recovering as dad praises God

Ryan Corbett reunited with his wife and children in Texas. Image provided by Drue Corbett. Used with permission.

Former Taliban hostage Ryan Corbett recovering as dad praises God

Drue Corbett told his fellow church members Wednesday night that his adult son was finally back in the United States after exactly 894 days in captivity. Ryan Corbett was on the ground in San Antonio and was receiving round-the-clock care, his dad said. While wondering at what his son has gone through, he gave thanks to God for his freedom.

Drue Corbett, father of Ryan Corbett
Drue Corbett, father of Ryan Corbett

The elder Corbett spoke this week during a service at Cedar Creek Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky. His remarks came two days after the U.S. government struck a deal with the Taliban to free his son. On Monday, the Taliban agreed to trade Corbett and American hostage William McKenty. In the exchange, U.S. officials reportedly released Khan Mohammed, a Taliban figure serving a life sentence in California on drug trafficking and terrorism charges.

Backing up, why was Ryan Corbett in Afghanistan? He and his family moved from New York to Afghanistan in 2010, where he supervised education and healthcare projects for non-governmental organizations, his family said in an earlier statement. In 2017, he launched Bloom Afghanistan, an organization designed to foster small business growth in the country. In 2021, Ryan and his family left and the U.S. military withdrew from the country. Then, in 2022, he returned to renew his business visa. During that visit, Ryan was arrested by the Taliban. His family suspects he was only arrested because of his value for political leverage.

What conditions did Ryan face during nearly 2½ years in captivity? His father told church members on Wednesday that for most of the time, Ryan had to share a 9-by-9-foot prison cell with four other male prisoners. For that time, was only allowed outdoors for a total of 20 minutes a month. Recently, Ryan’s treatment improved, Drue said. His captors placed him in a newer cell, fed him better, and allowed him to go outside twice a day.

What did he do during this time? The Corbett family is still in the process of learning about Ryan’s time in prison. Drue had a phone call with a man in the United Kingdom who was at one time a fellow prisoner of Ryan. The man told Drue he would often hear Ryan quietly singing in the prison. The man said that during breaks, prisoners were often blindfolded with their hands placed on the shoulders of the prisoner in front of them before being marched to a restroom facility. During one of these breaks, the other prisoner asked Ryan in a whisper if he was the one who sang the hymns. The other prisoner told Drue that he and Ryan became cellmates and good friends during their time in captivity.

Over the two-year period, Ryan was also working on writing a manuscript, Drue said. The Taliban took the writings away shortly before his release, he said.

What is Ryan’s condition now? Drue provided WORLD with images of Ryan reuniting with his wife and three children shortly after his arrival in Texas. In the images, he appears to be smiling and in good health. Drue Corbett said Ryan is currently at a Texas military facility that specializes in rehabilitation for POWs, where he is receiving 24/7 care. He said his stay there may range from a few days to a few weeks, depending on Ryan’s condition. A friend of Drue’s who met with Ryan said the free man looked and sounded normal, with seemingly few ill effects from his captivity.

Drue believes that Ryan likely has trauma to overcome. But, on Wednesday, he glorified God for his son’s return.

“Ryan hasn’t had a Bible in two-and-a-half years,” he said. “He hasn’t had a cup of coffee in two-and-a-half years. But he knows Scripture really well. And I’m sure that he’s going to come out of here a different and even a better man than we ever, ever realized.”

Dig deeper: Read WORLD’s report about the first three Israeli hostages released by Hamas under a new ceasefire.

Travis K. Kircher

Travis is the associate breaking news editor for WORLD.

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