Supreme Court set to allow Idaho emergency abortions,… | WORLD
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Supreme Court set to allow Idaho emergency abortions, Bloomberg reports

The U.S. Supreme Court Associated Press/Photo by Alex Brandon

Supreme Court set to allow Idaho emergency abortions, Bloomberg reports

The high court on Wednesday briefly posted an opinion document, showing a ruling allowing federally-funded Idaho hospitals to provide abortions in cases where the mother’s life is at risk, according to Bloomberg News. The Court acknowledged that its publication team accidentally posted an opinion on its website and quickly took it down, according to a statement it provided to the Associated Press. The Court said it would formally publish the opinion later.

What are the details of this case? The Biden administration in 2022 sued the state of Idaho, which has laws protecting unborn babies from abortions with very few exceptions. The administration argued that Idaho law prevents doctors from performing emergency abortions if a mother’s life is at risk. If hospitals are receiving federal funds their doctors should be allowed to perform such emergency abortions, the administration argued. Idaho has argued that its laws already allow medically necessary abortions in emergencies and extreme cases. The Court appears poised to agree with the Biden administration, Bloomberg reported.

Dig deeper: Read my report in The Sift about the Supreme Court’s opinions formally published earlier on Wednesday.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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