Special counsel indicts Hunter Biden federally on gun charges | WORLD
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Special counsel indicts Hunter Biden federally on gun charges

Special counsel David Weiss on Thursday indicted President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, on three charges relating to a Colt Cobra Special that Hunter purchased in October 2018. Weiss alleges that Hunter falsely stated he did not use illegal drugs and was not addicted to them. That's because Hunter had checked two boxes on a form he signed when he bought the firearm in Delaware. The third charge pertains to Hunter’s alleged possession of the firearm while using drugs. He could face more than a decade behind bars.

Wasn’t Hunter already indicted on gun charges? A plea deal for Hunter fell apart in July after a judge raised questions. Under the deal, Hunter would have pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor tax charge, while the felony gun charges would have been a court diversionary program. Hunter’s attorneys said last month that they believed the part of the plea deal that avoided a trial on the gun charges was still binding even after the deal fell apart. Prosecutors disagreed.

Dig deeper: Read R. Albert Mohler Jr.’s column in WORLD Opinions about how Hunter’s legal troubles seem to grow.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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