Some House races still wrapping up | WORLD
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Some House races still wrapping up

Democratic House candidate Ben McAdams of Utah (center) with his family at a news conference Monday Associated Press/Photo by Steve Griffin/The Deseret News

Some House races still wrapping up

The first Republican African-American woman in Congress has lost her reelection bid in Utah, while another tight race in New York also was decided in a Democrat’s favor. In final results posted Tuesday, Rep. Mia Love lost to Democratic Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams by just 694 votes in Utah’s suburban 4th District. McAdams’ 0.258-point margin of victory put him just beyond the reach of a recount and follows a trend of Democrats flipping House seats in suburban districts in the Nov. 6 midterm elections. In the race for New York’s 22nd District, absentee ballots are still being counted but Democrat Anthony Brindisi has enough votes to preclude a recount in his battle against incumbent GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney, who has yet to concede. Brindisi has a 1,293-vote lead, reported, and his victory gives Democrats a net pickup of 39 seats in the House.

In New York’s 27th District, incumbent Republican Rep. Chris Collins narrowly leads Democrat Nate McMurray, with absentee ballots still being tallied. Meanwhile, a recount is underway in the only other outstanding House race, where Republican Rep. Rob Woodall seeks reelection in Georgia’s 7th District and has a lead of fewer than 500 votes over Democrat Carolyn Bourdeaux.

UPDATE (5:29 p.m.): Bourdeaux on Wednesday afternoon conceded to Woodall in their race in Georgia.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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