Shutdown hits federal workers’ pockets | WORLD
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Shutdown hits federal workers’ pockets

President Donald Trump at the border Thursday with Sen. Ted Cruz (center) in McAllen, Texas Associated Press/Photo by Evan Vucci

Shutdown hits federal workers’ pockets

WASHINGTON—About 800,000 federal government workers will miss their paychecks Friday because of the partial government shutdown, which will be the longest in U.S. history if it lasts until Saturday. On Thursday, President Donald Trump visited McAllen, Texas, and the Rio Grande along the border to illustrate his reasoning for wanting a wall at the U.S. southern border. “If for any reason we don’t get this going … I will declare a national emergency,” he said. The president has consulted with White House attorneys about the constitutionality of using presidential emergency powers to construct the wall. “We’re either going to have a win, make a compromise—because I think a compromise is a win for everybody—or I will declare a national emergency,” he said.

A compromise seems highly unlikely. House Democrats staunchly refuse to approve the president’s $5.7 billion wall funding request. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., tried to broker an agreement pairing wall funds with protecting some illegal immigrants, including ones brought to the United States as children, but the deal failed to gain favor from Democrats.

Meanwhile, the House passed two measures to reopen the government, which include funding the departments of Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, and Agriculture, and the Food and Drug Administration. Senate Republicans refuse to consider any attempts to reopen parts of the government unless the president signals his support.

On Thursday, the Senate unanimously passed a bill guaranteeing back pay for government workers affected by the shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the president told him he would sign the bill.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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