Senate passes budget deal | WORLD
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Senate passes budget deal

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Capitol Hill on Wednesday Associated Press/Photo by J. Scott Applewhite (file)

Senate passes budget deal

WASHINGTON—The Senate agreed to a budget Thursday that will hoist the debt ceiling, lift budget caps, and allow more spending on both defense and nondefense projects. The bill passed 67-28, with 23 Republicans and five Democrats opposed. Last week, the House passed the bill 284-149, with the majority of Republicans voting against it.

Why was the vote split? Some conservative lawmakers say the deal doesn’t shrink U.S. deficits or curb spending while the total U.S. government debt has pushed past $22 trillion. Ahead of the vote, President Donald Trump dismissed concerns about the bill. “Go for it Republicans, there is always plenty of time to CUT,” he tweeted. The president is expected to sign the bill soon.

Dig deeper: Read Kyle Ziemnick’s analysis of the changing fiscal priorities of Republicans in The Stew.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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