Scalise returns to work, discusses injury | WORLD
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Scalise returns to work, discusses injury

Rep. Steve Scalise speaks from the House floor Thursday morning. Associated Press/House Television

Scalise returns to work, discusses injury

WASHINGTON—House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., who was critically wounded in a shooting in June, has broken his silence about his recovery. CBS News on Thursday released excerpts of Scalise’s first post-injury interview, which will air in its entirety this Sunday on 60 Minutes. “The hip and pelvis had serious damage where the bullet went through and, you know, did some damage to areas that had to be shored up with steel plates and then they did a phenomenal job of … rebuilding Humpty Dumpty,” Scalise told Norah O’Donnell of CBS. “They put me back together again.” On June 14, a gunman opened fire on Republican lawmakers at a baseball field practicing for the annual congressional baseball game, shooting five people. When Scalise arrived at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, doctors said he risked “imminent death.” The third-ranking House Republican underwent multiple surgeries before leaving the hospital in late July. Scalise returned to the Capitol for the first time Thursday morning to address his colleagues from the House floor. “The power of prayer is something you just cannot underestimate,” he told House colleagues who warmly greeted him with a standing ovation. Scalise’s office said he would continue outpatient rehabiliation while resuming his work on Capitol Hill.

Evan Wilt Evan is a World Journalism Institute graduate and a former WORLD reporter.

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