Santos’ ex-treasurer pleads guilty to fraud conspiracy | WORLD
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Santos’ ex-treasurer pleads guilty to fraud conspiracy

U.S. Rep. George Santos Associated Press/Photo by J. Scott Applewhite, file

Santos’ ex-treasurer pleads guilty to fraud conspiracy

New York Rep. George Santos’ former campaign treasurer, Nancy Marks, on Thursday implicated Santos in a plot to embellish campaign donations with a fake loan and donor. The scheme allowed him to qualify for national party support. Santos, a Republican, pleaded not guilty to 13 federal charges accusing him of fraud, money laundering, and lying to Congress. He has acknowledged lying about portions of his biography and background during his 2022 congressional campaign.

Why is Marks pleading guilty? Marks’ attorney said on Thursday that his client did not have a cooperation deal with prosecutors but would be willing to testify if subpoenaed. Marks resigned amid questions about Santos’ campaign finances, and Santos has blamed her for the money problems.

Dig deeper: Read Samuel D. James’ column in WORLD Opinions about George Santos’ moment of truth.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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