Russia revokes status of U.K. diplomats, makes espionage… | WORLD
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Russia revokes status of U.K. diplomats, makes espionage accusations

Police officers outside the Russian Embassy in London Associated Press/Photo by Frank Augstein

Russia revokes status of U.K. diplomats, makes espionage accusations

Russia accused six British diplomats of sabotage and spying which prompted the Kremlin to revoke the group’s diplomatic accreditation, according to a report by TASS, the state-run Russian news agency. The report cited a statement released by the Federal Security Service of Russia, known as the FSB. The Russian government identified signs of spying and sabotage among six diplomats that Britain sent with the intention of threatening Russian security, according to the FSB’s statement.

The U.K. Foreign Office called the accusations baseless and clarified that Russia revoked the diplomatic accreditations last month. The six diplomats also left the country many weeks ago, according to reporting by BBC. The expulsion announcement came the same day British Prime Minister Keir Starmer arrived in Washington to meet with U.S. President Joe Biden. Discussion and potential approval of Ukraine using long-range missiles in its war against Russia is believed to be on the meeting agenda.

What prompted the expulsion? U.K. officials suspect the move is retaliation for Britain revoking the status of a Russian attache in London earlier this year, and imposing a five-year limit on all Russian diplomats. The action was taken after government officials discovered Russian state-directed activity in the U.K., the foreign office said.

Dig deeper: Read Lauren Canterberry’s report on Ukraine’s request for long-range weapons from the United States and the United Kingdom.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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