Poll: Roughly half of voters lean toward wanting Biden to… | WORLD
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Poll: Roughly half of voters lean toward wanting Biden to step aside

U.S. President Joe Biden Associated Press/Photo by David Becker

Poll: Roughly half of voters lean toward wanting Biden to step aside

Nearly 90 percent of respondents who said Biden should step aside as the Democratic presidential nominee believed he should do so for age-related reasons, according to a The Economist/YouGov poll released Thursday. Almost 80 percent of Democrats would support Vice President Kamala Harris running in Biden’s place should he step aside, the poll found. But only 42 percent of all voters support Harris’ candidacy. And 15 percent of all voters believe she stood more of a chance of beating former President Donald Trump in his reelection bid than Biden.

What did voters have to say about Trump in this poll? Roughly 49 percent of all respondents believed Trump would beat Biden in November. Only 26 percent believed Biden would win. At the same time, 43 percent of all respondents said they viewed Trump favorably, while 53 percent of respondents viewed him unfavorably. Only 4 percent of respondents had not made up their minds about how they viewed Trump.

Dig deeper: Listen to Mary Reichard and Hunter Baker’s conversation on The World and Everything in It podcast about Trump’s vice presidential pick.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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