Republicans nominate Mitt Romney for president | WORLD
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Republicans nominate Mitt Romney for president

Republicans nominate Mitt Romney for president

TAMPA, Fla. (AP)-Republicans have nominated former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for president, culminating a long primary fight and setting the stage for a close contest against President Barack Obama.

In a roll call of states Tuesday, New Jersey put Romney over the top, giving him the prize that eluded him four years ago. Romney is scheduled to accept his party's nomination in a speech Thursday night.

Republican voters flirted with a carousel of GOP rivals before settling on Romney, who effectively clinched the nomination in May. All of Romney's former GOP competitors have endorsed him, with the exception of Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

Paul did not have enough support to have his name placed in nomination, but he got votes in roll call.

© 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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