Tim Scott drops out of 2024 GOP presidential race | WORLD
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Tim Scott drops out of 2024 GOP presidential race

Sen. Tim Scott Associated Press/Photo by Rebecca Blackwell

Tim Scott drops out of 2024 GOP presidential race

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., announced late Sunday that he was leaving the 2024 presidential race. Campaign staff found out the news only when the senator announced it live on a Fox evening show, a campaign worker told the Associated Press. On Sunday, Scott did not endorse any remaining Republican candidates.

How are the other GOP candidates moving forward? Despite dealing with four criminal indictments, former President Donald Trump has polled ahead of the other candidates. Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign said Sunday it would spend $10 million on a television, radio, and digital advertising campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire in December. Haley’s planned investment is more than five times larger than Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ current campaign advertising budget for the same time frame, according to media tracking firm AdImpact.

Dig deeper: Read Carolina Lumetta’s coverage in The Stew of the most recent Republican presidential debate.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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