Republican concedes Pennsylvania special election | WORLD
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Republican concedes Pennsylvania special election

Rick Saccone walks past reporters on the day voters cast ballots in Pennsylvania’s special election. Associated Press/Photo by Keith Srakocic

Republican concedes Pennsylvania special election

WASHINGTON—Republican Rick Saccone conceded the Pennsylvania special congressional election Wednesday, paving the way for Democrat Conor Lamb to join the U.S. House of Representatives next month. “Just got off the phone with my opponent, who congratulated me & graciously conceded last Tuesday’s election,” Lamb wrote on Twitter. “I congratulate Mr. Saccone for a close, hard-fought race & wish him the best.” The concession comes eight days after polls closed in Pennsylvania’s 18th District, a once safe territory for Republicans. President Donald Trump won the district by 20 points in 2016. Republicans spent more than $10 million to boost Saccone and keep the seat, failing by a razor-thin margin. Final tallies show Lamb ahead by about 800 votes of the more than 200,000 ballots cast. Lamb takes over the district from former Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa., who resigned last month amid accusations of sexual misconduct. But the Democrat will have to head back to the campaign trail soon, since he’s up for reelection again in November. And because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court redrew the state’s congressional map, Lamb will run for reelection in a different part of the state.

Evan Wilt Evan is a World Journalism Institute graduate and a former WORLD reporter.

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