Capitol police use pepper spray as protests of Netanyahu grow | WORLD
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Capitol police use pepper spray as protests of Netanyahu grow

2:30 p.m. update: Thousands of protesters filled the streets in Washington on Wednesday, at one point blocking at least seven intersections, according to a video of speakers at a protest hub.

What was the scene at the protest? Demonstrators lined streets and marched along the barricades surrounding the capitol grounds. Many carried Palestinian flags, and signs calling to stop American aid to Israel. Groups chanted, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and, “no justice, no peace.” Hundreds of police monitored the barricades around the capitol, as some protesters shouted at them.

One protester carried a stick and noose from which hung an effigy of Netanyahu, dressed in an American flag suit. A handful of people waved Israeli and American flags as the crowd pro-Palestinian protesters snaked past.

Police deployed pepper spray on some protesters. In one area, police blocked protesters who attempted to push through a security line of police. The protesters retreated after police doused them in pepper spray, a video showed.

Original post: Hundreds of protesters sang, chanted, and clapped Tuesday in the rotunda of the Cannon House Building, an office building used by U.S. Representatives. The group Jewish Voice for Peace seemed to acknowledge leading the protest, according to a social media post. Protesters wore red shirts with slogans like “stop arming Israel” and held banners that read “let Gaza live,” and “Jews say: Stop the genocide.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was scheduled to address Congress Wednesday afternoon.

What was the response? Jewish Voice for Peace, which describes itself as progressively anti-Zionist, reposted a video on social media that showed police handcuffing protesters with zip ties. Law enforcement also took banners carried by the protesters.

U.S.Capitol Police arrested about 200 people, clearing the rotunda by Tuesday afternoon, according to police statements on social media. Capitol Police said protesters were warned they would be arrested if they did not stop. When they continued, Capitol Police arrested them under a Washington, D.C. law againt crowding, obstructing, or incommoding public buildings, roads or sidewalks.

Were there protests elsewhere in D.C.? Protesters came to the Watergate Hotel, where Netanyahu is reported to be staying Tuesday evening, and projected an image of Netanyahu’s face and words advocating for his arrest. Earlier, a social media post showed a pro-Palestine protester banging on the temporary fence during a profanity- and threat-laden rant at people on the other side of the fence who held Israeli flags.

Where were were Netanyau’s supporters? The prime minister said he and his wife Sara met with leaders of what he called the U.S. evangelical community on Tuesday night. He thanked them for their support and their commitment to the truth and values that he and the group have in common.

Catherine Gripp

Catherine Gripp is a graduate of World Journalism Institute.

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