Prosecutors say Hunter Biden indictment coming this month | WORLD
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Prosecutors say Hunter Biden indictment coming this month

Hunter Biden leaving court on July 26 Associated Press/Photo by Julio Cortez, file

Prosecutors say Hunter Biden indictment coming this month

On Wednesday, Justice Department special counsel David Weiss filed a court document saying prosecutors would bring charges against President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, before the last business day of the month. The younger Biden faces charges of felony gun possession and misdemeanor tax crimes.

Wasn’t Hunter Biden already charged? He pleaded not guilty to tax charges in July after a federal judge in Delaware rejected a plea deal. His lawyers argue that an agreement to handle his felony gun possession charges in a court diversionary program is still binding. Prosecutors have said that the deal is off the table.

Dig deeper: Read R. Albert Mohler Jr.’s column in WORLD Opinions about Hunter Biden’s legal problems.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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