Political parties wage power battle in Wisconsin | WORLD
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Political parties wage power battle in Wisconsin

A protester at the Wisconsin Capitol Tuesday Associated Press/Photo by Mark Hoffman/Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel

Political parties wage power battle in Wisconsin

After suffering a sharp defeat in the 2018 midterm elections, Republican state lawmakers in Wisconsin are working to limit the powers of incoming Democrats. Legislators passed a package of bills to limit gubernatorial authority Tuesday, and outgoing Republican Gov. Scott Walker is expected to sign off on the move Thursday.

The midterm elections ended eight years of one-party control of all branches of state government when voters elected Democrat Tony Evers as governor. Republicans maintain control of the state legislature. The bills take aim at the governor and Democratic Attorney General-elect Josh Kaul. The measures would limit early voting, give lawmakers control of most of the appointments to an economic development board, and require the governor to work with lawmakers before adjusting public benefit programs run by both federal and state governments. The attorney general would have to seek lawmakers’ approval before settling some lawsuits. The public turned out to protest the move with chants of “respect our vote.”

Republican House Speaker Robin Vos accused Democrats of exaggerating the effect of the legislation. “What it does is make sure we have an equal amount of power at the table,” he said.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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