Republican David Owen wins controversial House of Delegates… | WORLD
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Republican David Owen wins controversial House of Delegates race in Virginia

Republican Virginia State Representative David Owen. Associated Press/Photo by Mike Kropf, Richmond Times-Dispatch

Republican David Owen wins controversial House of Delegates race in Virginia

Yesterday, David Owen narrowly defeated Democrat Susanna Gibson in one of Virginia’s most hotly contested districts. Gibson faced criticism in September for having allegedly live-streamed sex acts with her husband for money. She refused to withdraw after the revelations and accused Republicans of violating her privacy. Before the election, Republicans mailed printed screenshots of the content to voters. In Virginia, it is illegal to distribute content of an undressed person to a third party without that person’s consent.

What are Owen’s priorities in the House of Delegates? According to his website, Owen wants to “ensure that all Virginians have a good education, a great job, and a safe place to raise their families.” Despite Owens’ win, Democrats now have the majority in the House of Delegates and the State Senate.

Dig deeper:  Read Leah Savas’ report in Vitals on a pro-abortion amendment recently passed in Ohio.

Johanna Huebscher

Johanna Huebscher is a graduate of Bob Jones University and the World Journalism Institute.

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