Ohio voters approve pro-abortion amendment to state… | WORLD
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Ohio voters approve pro-abortion amendment to state constitution

A person votes during Election Day at Knox Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati. Associated Press/Photo by Joshua A. Bickel

Ohio voters approve pro-abortion amendment to state constitution

Residents of Ohio on Tuesday voted in support of enshrining a woman’s access to abortion in the state’s constitution. The vote on the state’s “Issue 1” amendment followed a legal back-and-forth about a pro-life law protecting unborn babies after six weeks of gestation. Republican Gov. Mike DeWine, who signed that six-week protection law, urged voters in the state to vote against Issue 1.

How much support did Issue 1 receive? Roughly 55 percent of voters supported the amendment. Meanwhile, a similar majority of voters also supported legalizing marijuana in Ohio in response to what the state’s ballots called “Issue 2.”

Dig deeper: Read Leah Savas’s report in Vitals about how Tuesday’s election could affect the fight for unborn life in key states.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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