Ohio rewrites wording for abortion amendment | WORLD
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Ohio rewrites wording for abortion amendment

Ohio's Secretary of State and Ballot Board chair Frank LaRose at a rosary rally. Associated Press/ Photo by Darron Cummings

Ohio rewrites wording for abortion amendment

The Ohio Ballot Board on Thursday approved new wording for an amendment appearing on the state’s ballot this November that would enshrine abortion in the state constitution. Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose led the council and opted to use the words “unborn child” instead of “fetus.” The proposed measure would not protect unborn children before they are deemed viable by a doctor— about 22 weeks in many cases—and when the mother’s life or health is in danger. It would also protect access to contraception. Democrats called the re-wording unfair, arguing that the new language shows too much bias.

Did the board approve or change the wording of any other amendments? The board also approved verbiage for an amendment to legalize marijuana in the state. The measure would allow citizens 21 and older to buy up to 2.5 oz of cannabis for recreational use. The bill also allows the state to tax and regulate cannabis and cannabis concentrates.

Dig deeper: Read Carolina Lumetta’s report in WORLD Magazine about pro-life pregnancy centers adapting to a new political landscape post-Dobbs.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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