Ohio House passes pro-parents bill | WORLD
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Ohio House passes pro-parents bill

Protesters in Goodale Park in Columbus, Ohio, in March Associated Press/Photo by Patrick Orsagos, file

Ohio House passes pro-parents bill

The Ohio House of Representatives on Wednesday voted on one of two pieces of legislation that address the influence of sex education and gender ideology on children. By a vote of 65-29, the House passed a bill that would require schools to notify parents when they plan to teach about sexuality and what sexual content their children might encounter in the classroom. The bill also requires schools to notify parents if their child requests to go by different pronouns. The measure is now headed to the state Senate.

What’s the other bill? Another measure under consideration would prevent boys who identify as girls from playing on girls’ sports teams in high school and college. It would also bar doctors from prescribing transgender interventions to minors in the state.

Dig deeper: Read Steve West’s report in WORLD Magazine about how parents and schools are in a legal struggle for authority over children.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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