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North Dakota judge strikes down state protections against abortion

South Central District Judge Bruce Romanick listening to arguments challenging North Dakota's abortion laws The Bismarck Tribune via Associated Press/Photo by Brad Nygaard

North Dakota judge strikes down state protections against abortion

State Judge Bruce Romanick on Thursday ruled that the law protecting babies from abortion is unconstitutional. Romanick found the law too vague and ruled that women have a right to kill their babies before the point of viability. It also takes away a woman's liberty and right to pursue happiness, Romanick added.

The state’s abortion protections were automatically enacted after the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 overturned Roe v. Wade. The law included exceptions for cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother. Attorney General Drew Wrigley plans to appeal the case to the North Dakota Supreme Court, a spokesman from Gov. Doug Burgum’s office told WORLD.

How have pro-life groups responded? North Dakota Right to Life said it was deeply disheartened by the decision to dismantle critical protections for the unborn and vulnerable women, Executive Director Bridget Turbide said in a statement shared with WORLD. This ruling will remove essential guardrails on abortion like waiting periods and parental consent, with consequences for women, minors, and unborn children alike, she added.

Dig deeper: Read Josh Schumacher’s report for more detail on the state’s disputed pro-life law.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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