Newcomer pulls off upset in Missouri primary | WORLD
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Newcomer pulls off upset in Missouri primary

Cori Bush outside her campaign headquarters in Northwoods, Mo., on Wednesday Associated Press/Photo by Robert Cohen/St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Newcomer pulls off upset in Missouri primary

A woman who was once homeless and led Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, Mo., snagged the Democratic nomination for a U.S. House race in Missouri. Cori Bush, 44, unseated longtime Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr. in Tuesday’s primary election. Clay represented the state’s 1st Congressional District for 20 years after his father, William Lacy “Bill” Clay Sr., retired in 2000.

What about other primaries? U.S. Rep. Roger Marshall, an establishment favorite, beat fiery conservative Kris Kobach in Kansas’ Republican Senate race on Tuesday. Marshall will run against state Sen. Barbara Bollier, a longtime Republican moderate who switched to the Democratic Party at the end of 2018.

Dig deeper: Read Leah Hickman’s report in Vitals about how Marshall’s work as a pro-life OB-GYN affected the race.

Rachel Lynn Aldrich

Rachel is a former assistant editor for WORLD Digital. She is a Patrick Henry College and World Journalism Institute graduate. Rachel resides with her husband in Wheaton, Ill.

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