NATO declares China an enabler of Russia’s war in Ukraine | WORLD
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NATO declares China an enabler of Russia’s war in Ukraine

NATO leaders pose for a photo at the NATO summit in Washington on July 10, 2024. Associated Press/Photo by Mark Schiefelbein

NATO declares China an enabler of Russia’s war in Ukraine

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lin Jian on Thursday said that Beijing had filed a complaint with NATO, calling the allegations “biased, slanderous, and provocative.” The NATO alliance on Wednesday signed a joint declaration criticizing China’s growing ties to Russia and its support for Moscow’s defense industry. Members of the alliance called on Beijing to end all political and material support for Russia’s war effort. Western leaders have accused China of bolstering Russia’s war through the sale of dual-purpose goods that have both civilian and military uses, such as semiconductors and machine tools.

The leaders also said Chinese cyberattacks and nuclear development pose systematic challenges to security in Europe and around the Atlantic Ocean. NATO has become increasingly involved in security in Asia. This is the third consecutive year it invited leaders from New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea to attend its summit.

What else has happened at the summit this week? NATO members reiterated their support for Ukraine and pledged long-term security assistance. Under the plan, the alliance will provide Ukraine with military equipment, training, and other support totaling at least $43 billion. The joint statement also reaffirmed NATO leaders' support for Ukraine to join the alliance.

Dig deeper: Read William Inboden’s opinion column about recent political volatility in Europe and the United States.

Lauren Canterberry

Lauren Canterberry is a reporter for WORLD. She graduated from the World Journalism Institute and the University of Georgia with a degree in journalism, both in 2017. She worked as a local reporter in Texas and now lives in Georgia with her husband.

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