Mueller accuses Manafort of lying | WORLD
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Mueller accuses Manafort of lying

Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, outside the U.S. District Court building in Washington, D.C., in May 2018 Associated Press/Photo by Jose Luis Magana

Mueller accuses Manafort of lying

WASHINGTON—Special counsel Robert Mueller has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying to federal investigators in violation of his plea agreement. In a court filing Monday, the special counsel’s office said Manafort “committed federal crimes” by lying to them and the FBI “on a variety of subject matters.” Though details are sparse in the three-page filing, prosecutors indicated more information will be forthcoming in a separate filing at a later date. Mueller is investigating the possibility of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Manafort’s attorneys denied any wrongdoing and decried claims he breached his plea agreement. Both sides requested the judge set a date to sentence him.

Manafort pleaded guilty to conspiracy and witness tampering charges on Sept. 14 after a bitter, almost-yearlong process where he faced an additional 10 felony charges involving tax and banking crimes. Manafort eventually cut a plea deal that included pledging to work “fully, truthfully, completely, and forthrightly” with prosecutors—he has since met with the special counsel’s office several times. If the new allegations are true, he faces the possibility of more prison time or additional criminal charges. Manafort already faces up to five years in prison on the two charges in his plea agreement.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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