Motorcycle rally shooter charged with murder | WORLD
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Motorcycle rally shooter charged with murder

A biker rally in Red River, N.M., on Sunday Associated Press/Photo by Chancey Bush/The Albuquerque Journal

Motorcycle rally shooter charged with murder

Jacob Davis Castillo, 30, opened fire into a crowd of thousands of bikers during the Memorial Day weekend event in Red River, N.M. Of the eight people shot, five are wounded and three have died. Castillo was injured and is hospitalized. He faces charges of murder. New Mexico State Police Chief Tim Johnson said in a news conference that an earlier conflict between rival motorcycle gangs likely sparked the shooting.

What do we know about the motorcycle gangs involved? Law enforcement identified the shooter and victims as “OMG members.” According to the Department of Justice, OMGs or “Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs” are motorcycling groups that also participate in criminal activities, such as drug and weapons trafficking and violent crime. More than 300 active OMGs operate in the United States. 

Dig deeper: From the WORLD archives, read a report by Lynde Langdon about a shootout between motorcycle gangs that led to 150 arrests.

Conrad Otto

Conrad is a student at Taylor University and the World Journalism Institute.

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