Meta provides documents to House censorship investigation | WORLD
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Meta provides documents to House censorship investigation

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in 2019. Associated Press/Photo by Mark Lennihan, file

Meta provides documents to House censorship investigation

The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee canceled a scheduled vote Thursday to hold Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg in contempt of Congress. The committee is investigating claims of major tech companies censoring conservatives online. Chairman Jim Jordan tweeted that he called off the vote “based on Facebook’s newfound commitment to fully cooperate with the Committee’s investigation.” Company spokesman Andy Stone said that Meta has provided over 50,000 pages of documents to the committee since February. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said he was skeptical of the Judiciary Committee’s efforts.

What censorship claims first drew the committee’s attention? Judiciary Committee chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, sent subpoenas in February to Apple, Facebook, and Google requesting information about content moderation. That came after reports in December 2022 about Twitter working with the FBI to moderate content.

Dig Deeper: Read Leo Briceno’s report on the FBI working with Ukraine to censor American speech.

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman is a student at New Saint Andrews College and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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