McCarthy, Biden scheduled to meet again for debt limit talks | WORLD
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McCarthy, Biden scheduled to meet again for debt limit talks

President Joe Biden speaks on the debt limit during an event at SUNY Westchester Community College, Wednesday, in Valhalla, N.Y. Associated Press/Photo by Evan Vucci

McCarthy, Biden scheduled to meet again for debt limit talks

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to meet with President Joe Biden again at the White House on Friday. After Tuesday’s meeting with Biden and congressional leaders, McCarthy said he didn’t think they had made significant progress. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer accused McCarthy of being uncooperative in the meeting and of refusing to concede in discussions.

Will any progress be made before Friday? Staff members for both Biden and McCarthy will be meeting before Friday to continue discussions. Before Tuesday’s meeting, both sides said that they would resolve the issue if the other capitulated. Biden has dismissed trying to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling by invoking the 14th Amendment.

Dig deeper: Read Mary Reichard and Nick Eicher’s report on The World and Everything in It podcast about the actual conflict in the debt ceiling debate.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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