Man with guns arrested at Trump rally in California | WORLD
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Man with guns arrested at Trump rally in California

Former President Donald Trump Associated Press/Photo by Alex Brandon

Man with guns arrested at Trump rally in California

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco told reporters on Sunday he believed his deputies had prevented an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump—what would be the third attempt this year. On Saturday, deputies from Bianco’s department arrested a man authorities identified as 49-year-old Vem Miller for illegal possession of firearms, the sheriff’s office said. The arrest took place before Trump arrived at the rally in the Coachella Valley.

What happened? Miller was trying to enter a Trump rally when deputies noticed illegal license plates on his vehicle. Authorities found an unregistered shotgun, an unregistered handgun, ammunition for both weapons, and an illegal, extended magazine for the handgun. Deputies also found several fake passports and driver’s licenses inside the vehicle, all bearing different names.

Miller claimed to have VIP access to the event as well as press credentials. He had passed through a preliminary checkpoint by the time authorities stopped him, Bianco said. The location where deputies stopped him was intended to be a more thorough examination checkpoint, the sheriff explained. Miller told a reporter at The Press-Enterprise that he disagreed with the accusations, that he was not trying to hurt the president, and that he was an ardent Trump supporter.

Authorities booked Miller on charges of illegal gun possession—all of which are state, rather than federal charges. He posted bail and left authorities’ custody shortly afterward, the sheriff said. All charges against Miller are merely allegations. He is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Are federal authorities charging him with anything? U.S. Secret Service Spokesman Anthony Guglielmi on Sunday said that an investigation was ongoing. Federal authorities had not yet determined whether to file additional charges, he said. Guglielmi thanked local authorities for their vigilance in arresting Miller.

Dig deeper: Read Leo Briceno’s report in The Stew about the House of Representatives investigating an attempt on Trump’s life that took place in Pennslyvania.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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