Korean War veteran’s remains found after 73 years | WORLD
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Korean War veteran’s remains found after 73 years

Cpl. Luther H. Story Associated Press/U.S. Army

Korean War veteran’s remains found after 73 years

Army Cpl. Luther H. Story was laid to rest on Memorial Day at Andersonville National Cemetery, 20 minutes from his home in Americus, Ga. The Medal of Honor recipient died from numerous battle wounds on Sept. 1, 1950, near the Naktong River in South Korea. Story’s body was recovered from South Korea in October 1950 but wasn’t identified until April 2023.

How does his family feel? Judy Wade, Story’s closest surviving relative, is glad her uncle is home. “I don’t have to worry about him anymore,” Wade said. While researching her uncle, Wade found his birth certificate and realized he was 16 when he enlisted in the army. He was only 19 when he died.

Dig deeper: Read Eric Patterson’s column in WORLD Opinions on the moral urgency of Memorial Day.

Isabelle Hendrich

Isabelle Hendrich is a graduate of Bryan College and a student at the World Journalism Institute.

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