Judge halts Pennsylvania's tough new voter ID requirement | WORLD
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Judge halts Pennsylvania's tough new voter ID requirement

Associated Press/Photo by Michael Perez

Judge halts Pennsylvania's tough new voter ID requirement

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP)—A judge is postponing Pennsylvania's tough new voter identification requirement, ordering that it not be enforced in the presidential election.

Tuesday's ruling comes just five weeks before the election. An appeal is possible. The 6-month-old law requires each voter to show a valid photo ID.

Democrats and groups including the AARP and NAACP mounted a furious opposition to a law Republicans say is necessary to prevent election fraud. Critics have accused Republicans of using old-fashioned Jim Crow tactics to steal the White House and have highlighted stories of registered voters struggling to get a state photo ID.

© 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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