Jimmy Carter hospitalized | WORLD
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Jimmy Carter hospitalized

Former President Jimmy Carter Associated Press/Photo by John Amis

Jimmy Carter hospitalized

Former President Jimmy Carter underwent surgery to relieve pressure on his brain on Tuesday morning. According to Carter Center, his recent falls caused bleeding that led to the pressure and his admittance on Monday night to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.

Is his condition serious? Carter was hospitalized twice in October for two falls. He suffered a black eye and a gash on his forehead that required 14 stitches. He also broke his hip after falling at his home in May. The Carter Center said the former president is “resting comfortably” following the procedure and will remain hospitalized for observation. Carter, the country’s oldest living president at age 95, served as the 39th commander in chief for one term from 1977 to 1981.

Dig deeper: Read Cal Thomas’ column on Carter and his faith in light of a cancer diagnosis in 2015.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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