Japanese PM urges U.S. to continue role in international… | WORLD
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Japanese PM urges U.S. to continue role in international leadership

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at a joint meeting of Congress on Thursday. Associated Press/Photo by Jacquelyn Martin

Japanese PM urges U.S. to continue role in international leadership

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida spoke to a joint assembly of Congress at the U.S House of Representatives building on Thursday, calling on the United States to fill its role as a leader in the international community.

The world is at a pivotal juncture, he said, urging the United States to defend democracies around the world. He pointed to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as one example where an American presence would be needed. Kishida said that the possibility of a nuclear conflict, the growing influence of artificial intelligence, and the power of rivals like China and Russia all require leadership from the United States. America is indispensable but isn’t expected to act alone. Japan has sent as much as $12 billion to Ukraine, worked with the NATO alliance, and supplied the Ukrainian military with anti-drone equipment, he said.

Before the address, the prime minister met privately with Congressional leaders and Vice President Kamala Harris. President Joe Biden did not attend the private meeting or the assembly, although he met with Kishida earlier.

What’s the context? Kishida’s address comes amid a dwindling consensus on Capitol Hill on how best the United States should continue to support international conflicts like the ones in Israel and Ukraine.

Many Republicans in the House of Representatives see further aid to Ukraine as unacceptable, while other domestic legislative priorities remain unaddressed. At the top of their domestic concerns is the security of the U.S. Southern Border. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, R-Ga., and others have called for Republicans to tie further aid for Ukraine to GOP topline priorities like immigration and legislation limiting federal spending.

Israel’s war with Gaza has also sparked Congressional debate. Democrats in both the House and the Senate have demanded increased humanitarian oversight in a conflict rife with reports of civilian casualties.

Dig deeper: Read my coverage on Congressional concerns over TikTok’s proximity to China and the effort to divest the social media platform.

Leo Briceno

Leo is a WORLD politics reporter based in Washington, D.C. He’s a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and has a degree in political journalism from Patrick Henry College.


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