GOP senator to OK Biden’s high court nominee | WORLD
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GOP senator to OK Biden’s high court nominee

Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson meets with Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, on Capitol Hill on March 8. Associated Press/Photo by Carolyn Kaster

GOP senator to OK Biden’s high court nominee

Moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said Wednesday that she will vote to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Collins said she made her decision after a second hourlong conversation with Jackson, in which she was convinced that the judge “applies a very careful approach to the facts of a case” even though she disagrees with some decisions. The senator’s office said President Joe Biden called Collins to thank her.

What does this mean for confirmation? Collins’ support gives Democrats at least a one-vote cushion in the 50-50 Senate and likely saves them from having to use Vice President Kamala Harris to break a tie. Most Democrats are expected to support Biden’s pick, but Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has not revealed her vote yet. Last week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky declared he “cannot and will not” support Jackson. Senate Democratic leaders are pushing for a Senate Judiciary Committee vote Monday and a final Senate vote to confirm Jackson late next week.

Dig deeper: Read Hunter Baker’s column for WORLD Opinions with observations from Jackson’s confirmation hearing.

Kent Covington

Kent is a reporter and news anchor for WORLD Radio. He spent nearly two decades in Christian and news/talk radio before joining WORLD in 2012. He resides in Atlanta, Ga.


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