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Iraqi Christian leaders call for international investigation of deadly wedding fire

A funeral for the victims who died in a fire during a wedding ceremony in Hamdaniya, Iraq last week. Associated Press/Photo by Hadi Mizban

Iraqi Christian leaders call for international investigation of deadly wedding fire

Christian religious leaders in northern Iraq on Monday demanded an international investigation of a fire that killed more than 100 people at a wedding last week. The leaders also pushed back on the government’s claims that negligence caused the fire. An Iraqi Syriac Catholic priest, Boutros Sheeto, said someone started the fire intentionally.

How did the fire happen? The blaze started after the ceiling panels above a pyrotechnic display burst into flames. Sheeto suggested government corruption or armed militias could have been involved. Rights groups report that militant groups, like al-Qaeda and Islamic State or ISIS, have a history of persecuting Christians throughout the region.

Dig deeper: Read Kevin DeYoung’s column in WORLD Opinions about how Christians can respond to tragedy.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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