International leaders condemn failed Bolivian coup | WORLD
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International leaders condemn failed Bolivian coup

Bolivian police detaining the alleged coup leader General Juan José Zuñiga Associated Press/Photo by Juan Karita

International leaders condemn failed Bolivian coup

European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to Bolivia’s democracy after a failed coup on Wednesday. The EU supports the rule of law in Bolivia, she wrote on social media. Bolivian Gen. Juan José Zuñiga led military units to breach the government palace with an armored vehicle in La Paz on Wednesday in an attempt to overthrow President Luis Arce. Russia also shared unwavering support for Arce in a Thursday social media post. The Kremlin warned against foreign interference in Bolivian affairs and other South American governments.

How is the country moving forward? Of Bolivia’s nearly 200 years of history, the country has experienced 190 coup attempts and revolutions. Many thanks to international allies for speaking out in support of Bolivian democracy, Arce wrote hours after the coup. A coup would only generate unnecessary instability at a time when Bolivians should be working to move forward, he said in a separate post. Arce shared photos showing thousands of people crowded into the palace courtyard after the coup attempt and thanked them for taking to the streets to express their thoughts on the overthrow.

Zuñiga was arrested on live television just after claiming Arce instructed him to mount the coup. The president said this week would be critical and he needed something to bring up his popularity, Zuñiga told reporters. He provided no evidence to substantiate his claim.

Dig deeper: Read Josh Schumacher’s initial report on the failed coup.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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