Coup attempt fails in Bolivia’s capital, reports say | WORLD
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Coup attempt fails in Bolivia’s capital, reports say

Bolivian soldiers in the Plaza Murillo area of La Paz outside the government palace. Associated Press/Photo by Juan Karita

Coup attempt fails in Bolivia’s capital, reports say

The U.S. Embassy in La Paz on Wednesday issued a security alert reporting a large military presence in the Plaza Murillo area of the city. Bolivian President Luis Arce issued a statement denouncing what he called “irregular” activities by portions of the Bolivian army. Democracy must be respected, he said.

What happened? Bolivian military units slammed armored vehicles into the front gate of the government palace in La Paz on Wednesday, according to the Associated Press. President Arce then met with the military’s commanding officer, Juan José Zúñiga, who told reporters before entering the building that the country would soon have a new cabinet of ministers. Zúñiga added that he only recognized Arce as Bolivia’s leader for the time being. Arce named a new army commander, who then ordered troops to stand down.

Dig deeper: Read Tobin Jacobson’s report in The Sift about the Justice Department charging the former U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia with working as a foreign agent for Cuba.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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