IDF kills nine militants in major West Bank operation | WORLD
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IDF kills nine militants in major West Bank operation

Israeli armored vehicles in the West Bank's Jenin area Associated Press/Photo by Majdi Mohammed

IDF kills nine militants in major West Bank operation

Israeli soldiers killed nine alleged militants and arrested several more in various areas of the West Bank, the Israel Defense Forces reported on Wednesday. In addition, Israeli troops found weapons caches in the towns of Jenin and Tulkarm. Those depots held explosives, assault weapons, and artillery pieces, the IDF said. In both cities, Israeli soldiers dismantled improvised explosive devices planted underneath roads.

Where were the nine alleged militants killed? IDF ground forces killed five individuals in Jenin and Tulkarm that they believed posed a security threat to Israeli soldiers, it said. The five militants were armed. In Fa’ra, an Israeli airstrike killed four more alleged militants.

What does Hamas have to say about this? On a Telegram social media channel associated with the Gaza-based terrorist organization, Hamas on Tuesday acknowledged fighting back against Israeli forces in Jenin, Fa’ra, and elsewhere. The terrorist group also mourned the loss of individuals it deemed to be martyrs.

Dig deeper: Read Lauren Canterberry’s report in The Sift about Israeli forces rescuing a 52-year-old hostage from Gaza earlier this week.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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