Hunter Biden felony gun possession trial begins | WORLD
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Hunter Biden felony gun possession trial begins

Hunter Biden Associated Press/Photo by Matt Slocum

Hunter Biden felony gun possession trial begins

Lawyers selected 12 jurors and four alternates Monday for the trial of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, on three federal gun charges. Opening statements are scheduled to begin Tuesday. Hunter Biden is accused of lying on a form to purchase a firearm and possessing a gun while addicted to illegal drugs.

In October 2018, Hunter filled out a federal form while buying a Colt Cobra .38 Special revolver. On the form, he indicated that he was not abusing or addicted to any illegal substances. Prosecutors say that was a lie, pointing to passages in Hunter Biden’s memoir, Beautiful Things, that describe his addiction and regular use of illegal drugs between 2015 and 2019—specifically during October 2018. The Justice Department also alleges that Hunter was actively abusing drugs while he possessed the firearm after the sale, which is also a felony offense.

What does Hunter have to say about this? He has pleaded not guilty. His attorneys argued in a trial brief that he did not understand the terms user or addict and that the words were not explained on the firearm form. They also argue that Hunter had just gotten out of rehab and could have believed he wasn’t a drug user or an addict at the time of the purchase.

His attorneys also argued in the brief that Second Amendment law has recently changed how firearms-related violations are defined. Hunter’s actions were protected by the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms, they argued.

What legal matters will this trial center on? The Justice Department wrote in its trial brief that the jury must decide whether Hunter knowingly lied on the form and whether that lie allowed him to buy the gun. It also has to determine whether Hunter was addicted to or abusing drugs, whether he knew he was addicted to or abusing drugs, and whether he knew that he possessed the firearm.

Dig deeper: Read Joseph Backholm’s column in WORLD Opinions about how the Justice Department has admitted to the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop after previously denying its existence.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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